"use strict";
function CodeViewer (){
this.colorTheme = {
"background-left": "rgb(150, 150, 150)",
"background-right": "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
"highlight": "rgb(254, 251, 215)",
// "": "rgb(, , )",
this.render = function (paragraph, DIVID){
let thisLib = this;
let container = document.getElementById(DIVID);
container.innerHTML = "";
container.style.overflowX = "scroll";
container.style.position = "relative";
let lines = paragraph.split("\n");
let tableEle = document.createElement("table");
tableEle.style = "width: 100%; font-family: monospace; border-radius: 10px; padding: 10px; background-color: " + this.colorTheme["background-right"];
for (let linenum in lines){
let line = lines[linenum];
let code_ele = document.createElement("tr");
let br = "";
if (line.trim() === ""){
br = "
line = line.replaceAll(" ", " ");
code_ele.innerHTML += "
"+linenum.toString()+" | "+line+" | " + br;
code_ele.onmouseover = function (){
let tds = this.getElementsByTagName("td");
let td0 = tds[0];
let td1 = tds[1];
td0.style.fontWeight = "bold"
td1.style.backgroundColor = thisLib.colorTheme.highlight
code_ele.onmouseleave = function (){
let tds = this.getElementsByTagName("td");
let td0 = tds[0];
let td1 = tds[1];
td0.style.fontWeight = "normal"
td1.style.backgroundColor = thisLib.colorTheme["background-right"]
let shadowEle = document.createElement("div");
shadowEle.style = "position: absolute; width: 57px; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; opacity: 0.5; border-radius: 10px 0 0 10px; background-color: " + this.colorTheme["background-left"];
let copyEle = document.createElement("div");
copyEle.innerHTML = "";
copyEle.style = "position: absolute; top: 15px; right: 15px; background-color: white; border: lightgrey solid 1px; cursor: pointer; padding-top: 3px; padding-right: 2px; ";
copyEle.onclick = function (){
var copyText = document.createElement("textarea");
copyText.value = paragraph;
copyText.setSelectionRange(0, 99999);
return {
"colorTheme": this.colorTheme,
"render": this.render,
// "": this.,
"use strict";
function JSONViewer (){
this.tmp = "";
this.unicodeCollapse = "▸";
this.unicodeExpand = "▾";
this.defaultExpandDepth = 2;
this.colorTheme = {
"key": "rgb(0, 116, 232)",
"object": "rgb(0, 116, 232)",
"string": "rgb(221, 0, 169)",
"number": "rgb(5, 139, 0)",
"other": "rgb(5, 139, 0)",
"background": "rgb(255, 255, 255)",
"highlight": "rgb(240, 249, 254)",
// "": "rgb(, , )",
this.objectWalk = function (obj){
let res = [];
let toDiscover = [];
for (let k of Object.keys(obj).sort().reverse()){
toDiscover.push([k, obj, 0])
while (toDiscover.length > 0){
let pair = toDiscover.pop();
let parent = pair[1];
let k = pair[0];
let v = parent[k];
let depth = pair[2]
if (typeof v === "object"){
for (let kk of Object.keys(v).sort().reverse()){
toDiscover.push([kk, v, depth+1])
res.push([k, v, depth])
return res
this.renderrow = function (key, value, depth) {
let thisLib = this;
let result = document.createElement("tr");
let collapse = false;
let collapsible = false;
let rowDataType = "object";
let objectLength = 0;
let hide = false
if (depth >= this.defaultExpandDepth) {
collapse = true;
if (depth > this.defaultExpandDepth) {
hide = true;
collapse = false;
let td1 = document.createElement("td")
td1.style = "cursor: pointer;"
td1.style.color = this.colorTheme.key
let td2 = document.createElement("td")
td2.style = "";
if (typeof value === "object"){
objectLength = Object.keys(value).length;
let bracket1 = "{", bracket2 = "}";
if (Array.isArray(value)){
rowDataType = "array";
bracket1 = "[";
bracket2 = "]";
if (objectLength > 0) {
collapsible = true;
td2.innerHTML = bracket1 + "..." + bracket2;
} else {
td2.innerHTML = bracket1 + " " + bracket2;
if (!collapse && collapsible){
td2.innerHTML = "";
td2.style.color = this.colorTheme.object
else {
rowDataType = "other"
td2.innerHTML = value;
if (typeof value === "string") {
td2.innerHTML = "\""+td2.innerHTML+"\"";
td2.style.color = this.colorTheme.string
else if (typeof value === "number") {
td2.style.color = this.colorTheme.number
else {
td2.style.color = this.colorTheme.other
let arrow = "";
if (collapsible && collapse){
arrow = this.unicodeCollapse;
if (collapsible && !collapse){
arrow = this.unicodeExpand;
let arrowele = ""+ " ".repeat(depth * 4) + arrow + ""
td1.innerHTML = arrowele + " ".repeat(depth * 4 + 4) + key + ": ";
result.setAttribute("data-depth", depth.toString())
result.setAttribute("data-dataType", rowDataType)
result.setAttribute("data-collapse", collapse.toString())
result.setAttribute("data-collapsible", collapsible.toString())
result.style = "";
if (hide){
result.style.display = "none";
result.onmouseover = function () {
this.style.backgroundColor = thisLib.colorTheme.highlight;
result.onmouseleave = function () {
this.style.backgroundColor = thisLib.colorTheme.background;
td1.onclick = function (){
let parent = this.parentNode;
let thisdepth = parseInt(parent.getAttribute("data-depth"));
let thisdatatype = result.getAttribute("data-dataType");
let thiscollapse = parent.getAttribute("data-collapse") === "true";
let thiscollapsible = parent.getAttribute("data-collapsible") === "true";
let displayStyle = "none";
if (thiscollapse) {
displayStyle = "";
if (thiscollapsible){
let abbr = "{...}"
if (thisdatatype === "array"){
abbr = "[...]"
let td0 = parent.getElementsByTagName("td")[0];
if (thiscollapse){
abbr = "";
td0.innerHTML = td0.innerHTML.replace(thisLib.unicodeCollapse, thisLib.unicodeExpand)
} else {
td0.innerHTML = td0.innerHTML.replace(thisLib.unicodeExpand, thisLib.unicodeCollapse)
parent.getElementsByTagName("td")[1].innerText = abbr;
parent.setAttribute("data-collapse", (!thiscollapse).toString())
let allTR = parent.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("tr");
let start = false
for (let tr0 of allTR){
if (tr0 == parent){
start = true;
if (!start) {
let nextdepth = parseInt(tr0.getAttribute("data-depth"));
if (nextdepth > thisdepth){
tr0.style.display = displayStyle;
tr0.setAttribute("data-collapse", "false")
} else {
let td0 = tr0.getElementsByTagName("td")[0];
td0.innerHTML = td0.innerHTML.replace(thisLib.unicodeCollapse, thisLib.unicodeExpand);
return result
this.render = function (data, divid){
let container = document.getElementById(divid);
container.innerHTML = "";
let result = document.createElement("table");
result.style = "width: 100%; border-radius: 10px; background-color: " + this.colorTheme.background;
for (let line of this.objectWalk(data)){
let key = line[0];
let value = line[1];
let depth = line[2];
let tr = this.renderrow(key, value, depth)
return {
"render": this.render,
"renderrow": this.renderrow,
"objectWalk": this.objectWalk,
"colorTheme": this.colorTheme,
"unicodeCollapse": this.unicodeCollapse,
"unicodeExpand": this.unicodeExpand,
"defaultExpandDepth": this.defaultExpandDepth,